Admission Notice
No. 007/42/2021-22 Date: 09/08/2021
Notice is hereby given that the students who are eligible to appear at 2nd Semester Exam.(Degree 1st yr),2021 are hereby directed to take final admission in Degree 2nd yr . (3rd sem and 4th sem ) for 2021-22 session and the students who are eligible to appear at 4th sem Exam. (Degree 2nd yr ),2021 are hereby directed to take final admission in Degree 3rd yr.(5th sem and 6th sem ) for 2021-22 session.
Date of Admission: Through on-line system from 12/08/2021 to 31/08/2021 Mid night.
Important Note:
- Students will have to up-load their recent pass-port size photograph.
- Students who appeared at any semester exam by three consecutive chances but could not pass the same will not be eligible to take admission in 2nd /3rd yr classes.
- Students who did not appear at college internal exam(CE)at 2nd sem Exam will not be eligible to take final admission in degree 2nd yr class. And the students who did not appear at 4Th sem will not be eligible to take final admission in 3rd yr class.
- Students who has already exhausted five years to complete the course will not be eligible to take admission in any classes.
- If any students(1 1 1 system) are eligible to take final admission, they have to take final admission on the date mentioned above.
Tufanganj Mahavidyalaya
Monday, 9th August 2021