Tufanganj Mahavidyalaya

Form-Fill-Up Notice No. 039/41/2017-18

Tufanganj Mahavidyalaya

P.O. Tufanganj Newtown, Dt. Coochbehar          

Form-Fill-Up Notice

No.039/41/2017-18                                                                                                          Date: 13/01/2018

The form-fill-up of University Examinations,2018 under University of North Bengal will be held on the following dates. Only eligible candidates will be permitted to fill-up their forms.

Ist Phase

Category  :  B.A./B.Sc. Part-II,III(Hons) & B.A./B.Sc./B.Com. Part-III(Gen) Exam.only [Regular, CC & Back candidates]

ItemNature of Fee PaymentPlaceDate
Fees Deposit[Throgh on-line only]     Without fineATM Card,Debit CardNet-Banking01/02/2018To 08/02/18 till4 P.M
Filling-up &Submission Exam.FormsWith on-line money receipt        -do-CollegeCounters05/02/2018 to08/02/2018(Time: 12 noonTo 4 P.M.)
Fees Deposit[Throgh on-line only]   With late fine of   Rs.100/-(one hundred)ATM Card,Debit CardNet-Banking12/02/2018 tillMidnight only
Filling-up &Submission Exam.FormsWith on-line money receipt      With late fineCollegeCounters13/02/2018Only(Time: 12 noonTo 4 P.M.)

For Fees Deposit : Visit www.tufanganjmahavidyalaya.net

2nd Phase

Category :      B.A./B.Com./B.Sc Part-II(Gen) Exam. only [Regular, CC & Back candidates]

ItemNature of Fee PaymentPlaceDate
Fees Deposit[Throgh on-line only]     Without fineATM Card,Debit CardNet-Banking13/02/2018To 20/02/18 till4 P.M
Filling-up &Submission Exam.FormsWith on-line money receipt        -do-CollegeCounters19/02/2018 to20/02/2018(Time: 12 noonTo 4 P.M.)
Fees Deposit[Throgh on-line only]   With late fine of   Rs.100/-(one hundred)ATM Card,Debit CardNet-Banking24/02/2018 tillMidnight only
Filling-up &Submission Exam.FormsWith on-line money receipt      With late fineCollegeCounters26/02/2018Only(Time: 12 noonTo 4 P.M.)

For Fees Deposit : Visit www.tufanganjmahavidyalaya.net

Following documents will be required at the time of Form-fill-up.

  1.  Admit Card of M.P. Exam.
  2. H.S. Mark-shhet
  3. Registration Certificate(NBU).
  4. College I. Card
  5. Library and N.C.C. Clearance
  6. Final Admission/Provisional Admission Money Receipt.
  7. All Previous N.B.U. Exam Marksheets.
  8. On-line Payment Money Receipt for form-fill-up (2018 Exam)

Prescribed fees for frm-fill-up under University of North Bengal

Sl.No.                 ClassCategoryFees (Rs.)
1B.A. 2nd/3rd Yr. (forN B.U.)Gen&Hons.(Regular)  405=00
2B.Sc. 2nd/3rd Yr.(forN.B.U.)Gen(Regular)  630=00
3B.Sc. 2nd/3rd Yr(forN .B.U.)Hons(Regular)  655=00
4B.A.  2nd/3rd Yr. (forN.B.U.)Geography(Gen)(Regular)  630=00
5B.A.  2nd/3rd Yr. (forN.B.U.)Geography(Hons)(Regular)  655=00
6B.Com 2nd/3rd Yr. (forN.B.U.)General (Regular)  405=00
7B.A.  3rd Yr. (forN.B.U.) Sociology Hons. (Regular)  655=00
8B.A. 2nd/3rd Yr. (forN.B.U.)[CC/BACK](Gen only)]  955=00
9B.A. 2nd/3rd Yr. (forN.B.U.)[CC/BACK](Hons only)]1105=00
10B.Sc. 2nd/3rd Yr(forN .B.U.)[CC/BACK](Gen only)]1390=00
11B.Sc. 2nd/3rd Yr(forN .B.U.)[CC/BACK](Hons only)]1565=00
12B.A. 2nd/3rd Yr. (forN.B.U.)[CC/BACK](Geo.Gen only)]1180=00
13B.A. 2nd/3rd Yr. (forN.B.U.)[CC/BACK](Geo.Hons only)]1565=00
14B.Com 2nd/3rd Yr. (forN.B.U.)[CC/BACK](Gen only)] 1015=00
15B.A.  3rd Yr. (forN.B.U.)Socio Hons.(CC/BACK](Gen only) 1355=00



                                                                         Tufanganj Mahavidyalaya
 Saturday, 13th January 2018

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